
California Disability Services Are A Joke

     I can't speak for other states, but California disability services are a joke. I guess it must just be a rumor that California has the 'best' resources to aid the disadvantaged - if this is the 'best' we're all in trouble. The state's…

Ventura Has A Problem With Their Flexing Power

    Ventura Has A Problem With Their Flexing Power... December 2017, my neighbor texted me, "I see flames in the Saticoy & Wells area!" I did not initially get alarmed, but when she later banged on my door, that all changed. "Didn't you…

Ventura Harbor Carousel, Where is it now?

     One weekend in early April 2022 I woke up to a very confusing text message from my mom, urging me to get Eli down to the Ventura Harbor Carousel. The text continued to inform me that this would be the very last weekend the carousel would…